Tybee Island Show 2004
Thanks to Mark Gustetter, Arch Simonson, and Henry Graeber for the photos!

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026.And, although we have no reservations, they seat all 18 of us together.JPG 027.Saturday morning, Larry gets the award for First Washer, at 5 AM.JPG 028.While most everyone else is still sound asleep.JPG 029.Mark was busy capturing the sunrise.JPG 030.Which was pretty darn nice.JPG
031.As the beach became more populated . . . JPG.JPG 032.And as the pier came to life . . .JPG 033.It was soon time to get ready for the show,JPG.JPG 034.And, before you knew it, we were THERE.JPG 035.While most of the other Vettes wee in the parade, Mark, Henry and Cindi were reserving parking.JPG
036.But it didn't take long for everyone to show up.JPG 037.All but one of these Vettes belonged to CFCA, and that 13th Vette was John Mason's brother's.JPG 038.CFCA was in the house and on the loose.JPG 039.And, man, did we look GOOD.JPG 040.Although we brought 12 cars, another club brought 19.JPG
041.While the Vettes were the stars of the show---.JPG 042.. . . There was no mistaking who the REAL celebrity was.JPG 043.Once you passd through the 12' thick walls, it was only 178 steps to the top.JPG 044.Quite the engineering feat.JPG 045.Intermediate landings (rest stops) teased us with limited views.JPG
046.Then, before you knew it, you had arrived at the top.JPG 047.And the view was GRAND.JPG 048.Tiny Tybee Island, looking south.JPG 049.The Bunkers and the Beach, looking east.JPG 050.Patty and Cindi say 'Hi' from way down below.JPG

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