Titusville Charity Concours 2004
Thanks to Mark Gustetter for the photos!
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026.This triple black '77 Cutlass was PERFECT and all original.JPG 027.If there was an NCRS for Cutlass's, this one would be a Top Flight.JPG 028.Like it just rolled off the assembly line.JPG 029.Red was the color of the day for these beauties.JPG 030.This was one very, VERY bad Camaro.JPG
031.As was this less extreme, more vintage RS example.JPG 032.Dad was teaching junior the finer points of 'wax on, wax off'.JPG 033.And in the one-car 'To Each His Own' class---.JPG 034.You like Custom Classics, we got 'em.JPG 035.And all of this was organized and overseen by the Titusville Corvette Club.JPG
036.So, after a day of fun in the sun.JPG 037.And taking in loads of gorgeous cars.JPG 038.It was time to hand out the NICE trophies.JPG 039.Rich with his NCCC trophy.JPG 040.Rich with his GM trophy.JPG
041.Kerry with his GM trophy.JPG 042.There was one small misadventure on the way home.JPG 043.Mark's '59 getting a flat fixed.JPG    

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