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Corvettes in Paradise 2003
168.No, seriously.jpg 169.Don't Pete and Terry make a great-looking couple.jpg 171.And, yes, Jon fainted right after this photo was taken.jpg 172.But he made it back in time for this one.jpg 173.It's scary how much alike Jon and Pete are.jpg
175.'Now, wait just a second, there'.jpg 176.Hutch gives a Manly-Man congratulations to Kim.jpg 177.Hmmmm, Lisa looks kinda happy.jpg 178.Jon said, 'You know, there are no pictures of Mark.' So--.jpg 179.Kim doesn't remeber this dance, so here's the proof.jpg
180.'Ta-DAH'.jpg 181.Well, okay then--it might be time to get that room.jpg 182.'There, how's that feel, Honey'.jpg 183.'Gee, Sweetie, I don't know--could you do it some more'.jpg 184.'Watch out, cuz we're on the dance floor'.jpg
185.Degree of difficulty (in their condition)--3.0.jpg 186.'Stand BACK, Cha-Cha's in the house.jpg 188.Patti is very, VERY relaxed.jpg 189.Hangin' out poolside, having pizza, chips, beer and sodas.jpg 190.Oh, yeah, and Hutch's birthday cake.jpg
191.Complete with red hashmarks.jpg 192.The Man---The LEGEND.jpg 193.Time to get ready for the Sunset Sail.jpg 194.Ready to board the Liberty Clipper.jpg 195.Aye, there, Matey, 'tis perfect weather for a sail.jpg

Thanks to Mark Gustetter for the photos!

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