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Lakeland NCCC Show 2003
001.Well, it's that time of year again.JPG 002.Time to visit Michael Holley Chevrolet for the CGCC NCCC show.JPG 003.39 degrees was a wee bit too cold for Lisa.JPG 004.A small show, yes, but NICE cars.JPG 005.Mark's '59 and Lisa's and Kim's '00 represented CFCA.JPG
006.New powerplants and---.JPG 007.And old powerplants alike were ICE cold. together.JPG 008.And we didn't have to worry about anyone touching the cars.JPG 009.Eventually it warmed enough for more Vettes to arrive.JPG 010.And some very nice ones at that.JPG
011.427 cubic inches of Shark.JPG 012.Whadaya know---a matched set.JPG 013.Lisa dn Kim are quite happy with their 'Best of Show' and C5 1st Place trophies.JPG 014.And then it was time to haul you know what to the CFCA Christmas Party.JPG  

Thanks to Mark Gustetter for the photos!

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